In addition to the Fun Run, the students worked their way through five different activities that taught them about the Reformation. They had a story time, craft, game, and even a snack relating to the Reformation.
One of the most memorable parts of the day was our chapel service with the entire school. Pastor Kerr led us in a wonderful time of worship with singing by the Kindergarten classes, the 7th grade handbell choir playing, and the G1 (God First) youth presenting a skit. It was a very uplifting start to a fantastic day. The day was filled with a strong sense of community among our parents, students, and teachers. It was fun to see everyone working together. The most amazing part of the day was the donations that were pledged for the Fun Run - about $70,000! That is amazing! The money will be used for a new play structure at Sloat, emergency supplies at both campuses, supplemental learning activities for all grades, and more. Thank you for supporting our school!